Satan saw in Brother D traits that would enable him to gain an advantage. “The prince of this world cometh,” said Christ, “and hath nothing in Me.” But while appearing to possess great humility, Brother D has placed too high an estimate upon himself. For years he has entertained the feeling that his brethren did not appreciate him, and he has expressed this feeling to others, and Satan found in him a self-conceit to which he could successfully appeal. {5T 293.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 30. 293.     Fra side 293 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Syndens bedrag

Satan så i bror D træk som ville give ham fortrin. »Verdens fyrste kommer,« sagde Kristus, »og i mig er der intet, som hører ham til.« Men skønt han så ud til at besidde stor ydmyghed, havde bror D værdsat sig selv for højt. I årevis har han følt at hans brødre ikke værdsatte ham og han har udtrykt denne følelse for andre og Satan fandt en indbildskhed i ham, som han kunne appellere til, med succes.

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