All heaven is interested in the work going on in this world, which is to prepare men and women for the future, immortal life. It is God’s plan that human agencies shall have the high honor of acting as co-workers with Jesus Christ in the salvation of souls. The word of God plainly reveals that it is the privilege of the instrument in this great work to realize that there is One at his right hand ready to aid him in every sincere endeavor to reach the highest moral and spiritual excellence in the Master’s work. This will be the case with all who feel their need of help. They should look upon the work of God as sacred and holy, and should bring to Him, every day, offerings of joy and gratitude, in return for the power of His grace, by which they are enabled to make advancement in the divine life. The worker should ever take humble views of himself, considering his many lost opportunities for want of diligence and appreciation of the work. He should not become discouraged, but should continually renew his efforts to redeem the time. {5T 573.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 69. 572.     Fra side 572 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

En indtryksfuld drøm

Jeg vågnede; men det er denne drøm, der leder mig til at skrive til dig. Jeg følte dybt angående nogle af disse ting, da der kom et brev, som fortalte, at du befandt dig "i stor fristelse og prøvelse". Hvad er det, br. M? Frister Satan dig igen? Tillader Gud dig at komme i den samme stilling, hvor du har svigtet før? Vil du nu lade vantro tage din sjæl i besiddelse? Vil du svigte hver gang, ligesom Israel gjorde? Måtte Gud hjælpe dig til at stå djævelen imod og til at komme igennem med større styrke, hver gang din tro bliver prøvet!

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