It is not necessary that anyone should yield to the temptations of Satan and thus violate his conscience and grieve the Holy Spirit. Every provision has been made in the word of God whereby all may have divine help in their endeavors to overcome. If they keep Jesus before them they will become changed into His image. All who by faith have Christ abiding in them carry a power into their labor which makes them successful. They will be constantly growing more and more efficient in their work, and the blessing of God, shown in the prosperity of the work, will testify that they are indeed laborers together with Christ. But however much one may advance in spiritual life, he will never come to a point where he will not need diligently to search the Scriptures; for therein are found the evidences of our faith. All points of doctrine, even though they have been accepted as truth, should be brought to the law and to the testimony; if they cannot stand this test, “there is no light in them.” {5T 574.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 69. 572.     Fra side 572 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

En indtryksfuld drøm

Jeg har været i færd med at skrive det første bind af værket om Den store Strid og jeg bliver meget alvorlig stemt, når jeg betragter disse vigtige emner: skabelsen og begivenhederne fra Satans fald til Adams fald. Herren synes at være mig meget nær, medens jeg skriver og jeg er dybt grebet, når jeg tænker på denne (573) strid fra begyndelsen og indtil denne tid. Mørkets magters virke fremlægges klart for mit sind. Yderst prøvende tider ligger foran os og i engledragt vil Satan komme til sjælene med sine fristelser, ligesom han kom til Kristus i ørkenen. Han vil citere skriften og medmindre vort liv er skjult med Kristus i Gud, vil han visselig binde vore sjæle i vantro.

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