Chapter 72—Unholy Ambition Dear Brother and Sister N,Although I have received from you no acknowledgment of my last letter, I feel drawn out to write to you again. I have been shown your danger, and cannot forbear to impress upon your minds the necessity of walking humbly with God. You will be safe as long as you have humble views of self. But I know that your souls are in peril. You are seeking for a broader path for your feet than the humble path of holiness, the royal way that leads to the city of God. You have too much of self and too little of the meekness and lowliness of Christ. You have much self-esteem and self-confidence, and little faith in God. The discordant elements in your nature are largely developed. Unruly passions have a controlling power. Pride and vanity seek for the supremacy. I know that the enemy is tempting you sorely. Your only safety is in entire conformity to the will of God. Submission is necessary on your part; a complete consecration of yourselves to Christ is your only hope of salvation. If you walk in humility of mind before the Lord, then He can work with your efforts, and His strength will be made perfect in your weakness. Christ is our Saviour. He has said for your benefit and for mine: “Without Me ye can do nothing.” Oh, will you have more of Jesus, and less of self? {5T 586.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 71. 580.     Fra side 580 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Uddannelse af arbejdere

Vi har et værk at udføre, som kun få indser den fulde betydning af. Det består i at bringe sandheden ud til alle folkeslag. Der er et udstrakt virkefelt for arbejdere i fremmede lande såvel som i Amerika. Gud opfordrer mænd, som er selvopofrende, rene, varmhjertede, storsindede og ydmyge, til at virke på disse felter. Hvor få der dog er, som har nogen forståelse af dette store værk? Vi må vågne op og arbejde ud fra et højere standpunkt, end vi har gjort hidindtil.

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