Are the gifts and talents of every educator improved for the very best good of the pupils? Who is watching for a favorable moment to speak words of kindness and love? Who loves to tell the story of Him who so loved the world that He gave His life to redeem lost and perishing sinners? Train the youth, mold the character, educate, educate, educate, for the future, immortal life. Pray often. Plead with God to give you a spirit of supplication. Do not feel that your work as teachers is done unless you can lead your scholars to faith in Jesus and love for Him. Let the love of Christ pervade your own souls, and then you will unconsciously teach it to others. When you as instructors commit yourselves unreservedly to Jesus, for Him to lead, to guide, to control, you will not fail. Teaching your students to be Christians is the greatest work before you. Go to God; He hears and answers prayer. Put from you questionings, doubts, and unbelief. Let no harshness come into your teaching. Be not too exacting, but cultivate tender sympathy and love. Be cheerful. Do not scold, do not censure too severely; be firm, be broad, be Christlike, pitiful, courteous. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” {5T 590.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 71. 586.     Fra side 586 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Uddannelse af arbejdere

Lad arbejderne få en uddannelse. men lad dem samtidig være sagtmodige og ydmyge af hjertet. Lad os løfte værket op til det højest mulige stade og altid erindre, at hvis vi udfører vor del, vil Gud ikke undlade at udføre sin del. Vejl f menigh bd. 2 side 181-194]

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