The standard of morality is not exalted high enough among God’s people. Many who profess to be keeping God’s commandments and standing in their defense are breaking them. Temptations present themselves in such a way that the tempted think they see an excuse to transgress. Those who enter the missionary field should be men and women who walk and talk with God. Those who stand as ministers in the sacred desk should be men of blameless reputation; their lives should be spotless, above everything that savors of impurity. Do not place your reputation in jeopardy by going in the way of temptation. If a woman lingeringly holds your hand, quickly withdraw it and save her from sin. If she manifests undue affection and mourns that her husband does not love her and sympathize with her, do not try to supply this lack. Your only safe and wise course in such a case is to keep your sympathy to yourself. Such cases are numerous. Point such souls to the Burden Bearer, the true and safe Counselor. If she has chosen Christ as a companion, He will give her grace to bear neglect without repining; meanwhile she should diligently do all in her power to bind her husband to herself by strictest fidelity to him and faithfulness in making his home cheerful and attractive. If all her efforts are unavailing and unappreciated, she will have the sympathy and aid of her blessed Redeemer. He will help her to bear all her burdens and comfort her in her disappointments. She shows distrust of Jesus when she reaches for human objects to supply the place that Christ is ever ready to fill. In her repining she sins against God. She would do well to examine her own heart critically to see if sin is not lurking in the soul. The heart that thus seeks human sympathy and accepts forbidden attentions from any one is not pure and faultless before God. {5T 597.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 72. 590.     Fra side 590 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Uhellig ærgerrighed

Jeg kan ikke udtrykke for jer det dybe ønske jeg har i min sjæl, at I alle bør søge Herren alvorligst medens han kan findes. Vi er i Guds beredelsesdag. Lad intet være værdifuldt nok til at drage jeres tanker bort fra beredelsesarbejdet for den store domsdag. Gør rede! Lad ikke kold vantro holde jeres sjæle borte fra Gud, men lad hans kærlighed brænde på jeres hjerters alter.

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