There is an exalted platform for us to stand upon. We must believe and teach the truth as it is in Jesus. Holiness of heart will never lead to impure actions. When one who claims to be teaching the truth is inclined to be much in the company of young or even married women, when he familiarly lays his hand upon them, or is often conversing with them in a familiar manner, be afraid of him; the pure principles of truth are not inwrought in his soul. Such are not in Christ, and Christ is not abiding in them. They need a thorough conversion before God can accept their labors. The truth of heavenly origin never degrades the receiver, never leads him to the least approach to undue familiarity; on the contrary, it sanctifies the believer, refines his taste, elevates and ennobles him, and brings him into a close connection with Jesus. It leads him to regard the apostle Paul’s injunction to abstain from even the appearance of evil, lest his “good be evil spoken of.” {5T 593.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 72. 587.     Fra side 587 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Uhellig ærgerrighed

Jesus og hans kærlighed bør indvæves i al given uddannelse, som den allerbedste kundskab studerende kan få. »Herrens frygt er visdoms begyndelse.« Hvis forstanden, i sine ærgerrige mål, flyver bort fra al visdoms Kilde og tror at Bibelreligionen vil klippe hans vinger, vil han finde ud af at han ikke er andet end en sæbeboble. Bring da for jeres sjæles skyld livets Fyrste ind i alle planer, enhver organisation. I kan ikke få for meget af Jesus eller bibelhistorie ind i jeres skole.

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