This is a subject to which we must give heed. We must guard against the sins of this degenerate age. We must stand aloof from everything that savors of undue familiarity. God condemns it. It is forbidden ground, upon which it is unsafe to set the feet. Every word and action should tend to elevate, refine, and ennoble the character. There is sin in thoughtlessness about such matters. The apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to diligence and thoroughness in his ministry, and urged him to meditate upon those things that were pure and excellent, that his profiting might appear unto all. The same counsel is greatly needed by young men of the present age. Thoughtful consideration is essential. If men would only think more, and act less impulsively, they would meet with much greater success in their labors. We are handling subjects of infinite importance, and we cannot afford to weave into our work our own defects of character. We want to represent the character of Christ. {5T 593.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 72. 587.     Fra side 587 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Uhellig ærgerrighed

Har vi sandheden? Lever vi i afslutningen af denne jords historie? Står Kristus ved døren? Dette er spørgsmål (588) vi alle skal stille. Uddannelse bør altid være af en høj og hellig orden og nu er behovet mere bydende end nogensinde før. Bortskaffelsen af de trofaste fra denne verden, vil snart være fuldendt. Hvorfor så ikke indvie alle kræfter i sjæl og sind til Gud?

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