Meetings have been held in the college with marked success. There have been several conversions among the students from the world. These conversions were the more striking because the individuals had had no religious experience before coming to the college, and some of them were determined not to put themselves in the channel of light by attending the meetings. But they did attend, were convicted by the Spirit of the Lord, and were soundly converted. They say they were never so happy in their lives as now. Several have gone home to spend the holidays. Their parents are not professors of religion, and their faith will be severely tested. But good letters come back, stating that they are taking up their new responsibilities and trying to show to their friends that the new faith they have received has not made them fanatics or extremists, but well-balanced Christians, better in every way than before their conversion; that they possess the principles of pure faith and love to God and their neighbor, and manifest them by a well-ordered life and a godly conversation. This good work in the college has been a source of great rejoicing to us all. {5T 642.2}

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Acceptabel bekendelse

Betingelserne for at opnå Guds barmhjertighed er enkle, retfærdige og fornuftige. Herren forlanger ikke at vi gør nogle frygtelige ting, for at vi får syndstilgivelse. Vi behøver ikke at gøre lange, møjsommelige pilgrimvandringer eller smertefulde bodsøvelser, for at kunne anbefale vor sjæle til himlens Gud eller for at bøde for vor overtrædelse; men han som bekender og forlader sin synd skal vises barmhjertighed. Dette er et dyrebart løfte, faldne mennesker har fået, så de opmuntres til at stole på kærlighedens Gud og søge efter evigt liv i hans rige.

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