If persons listen to God’s message of reproof, warning, or encouragement while their hearts are filled with prejudice, they will not understand the true import of that which was sent them to be a savor of life unto life. Satan stands by to present everything to their understanding in a false light. But the souls that are hungering and thirsting for divine knowledge will hear aright, and will obtain the precious blessings that God designs to convey to them. Their minds are under the influence of His Holy Spirit, and they hear aright. When hearts are purified from selfishness and egotism, they are in harmony with the message God sends them. The perceptions are quickened, the sensibilities refined. Like appreciates like. “He that is of God heareth God’s words.” {5T 695.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 81. 658.     Fra side 658 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vidnesbyrdenes natur og indflydelse

"Klip klædningerne! Din afløsning er endnu ikke kommet." Med en stærk følelse af træthed rejste jeg mig op for at tage fat på arbejdet. Foran mig lå en ny, blank saks, som jeg begyndte at bruge. Følelsen af træthed og modløshed forlod mig lige med ét, saksen syntes at skære næsten uden nogen anstrengelse fra min side og jeg klippede den ene klædning efter den anden forholdsvis let.

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