If the leading men in our conferences do not now accept the message sent them by God, and fall into line for action, the churches will suffer great loss. When the watchman, seeing the sword coming, gives the trumpet a certain sound, the people along the line will echo the warning, and all will have opportunity to make ready for the conflict. But too often the leader has stood hesitating, seeming to say: “Let us not be in too great haste. There may be a mistake. We must be careful not to raise a false alarm.” The very hesitancy and uncertainty on his part is crying: “‘Peace and safety.’ Do not get excited. Be not alarmed. There is a great deal more made of this religious amendment question than is demanded. This agitation will all die down.” Thus he virtually denies the message sent from God, and the warning which was designed to stir the churches fails to do its work. The trumpet of the watchman gives no certain sound, and the people do not prepare for the battle. Let the watchman beware lest, through his hesitancy and delay, souls shall be left to perish, and their blood shall be required at his hand. {5T 715.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 84. 703.     Fra side 703 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Bibelens hemmeligheder, et bevis på dens inspiration

Det er Guds hensigt, at også her i livet skal sandheden stadig udfoldes for hans folk. Der er kun en måde, hvorpå denne kundskab kan opnås. Kun når vi oplyses af den Ånd, ved hvem ordet blev givet, kan vi nå frem til en forståelse af Guds ord. Ingen kender, »hvad der bor i Gud, uden Guds Ånd"; for "Ånden ransager jo alt, endog Guds dybder.« Og Frelserens forjættelse til sine efterfølgere var: »Når han, sandhedens Ånd, kommer, skal han vejlede jer til hele sandheden; ... thi han skal tage af mit og forkynde jer det."

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