There are poor men and women who are writing to me for advice as to whether they shall sell their homes and give the proceeds to the cause. They say the appeals for means stir their souls, and they want to do something for the Master who has done everything for them. I would say to such: “It may not be your duty to sell your little homes just now; but go to God for yourselves; the Lord will certainly hear your earnest prayers for wisdom to understand your duty.” If there was more seeking God for heavenly wisdom and less seeking wisdom from men, there would be far greater light from heaven, and God would bless the humble seeker. But I can say to those to whom God has entrusted goods, who have lands and houses: “Commence your selling, and giving alms. Make no delay. God expects more of you than you have been willing to do.” We call upon you who have means, to inquire with earnest prayer: What is the extent of the divine claim upon me and my property? There is work to be done now to make ready a people to stand in the day of the Lord. Means must be invested in the work of saving men, who, in turn, shall work for others. Be prompt in rendering to God His own. One reason why there is so great a dearth of the Spirit of God is that so many are robbing God. {5T 734.1}

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Kristendommens grundlag er Kristus vor retfærdighed. Mennesker er hver især ansvarlig for Gud og hver enkelt må handle som Gud bevæger ham til, ikke som han er bevæget ved andres tanker, for hvis den arbejdsmåde bruges, kan sjæle ikke indprentes og styres af Ånden fra den store Jeg Er. De vil holdes under en begrænsning som ikke tillader handle? eller valgfrihed.

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