Through the merits of Christ, through His righteousness, which by faith is imputed unto us, we are to attain to the perfection of Christian character. Our daily and hourly work is set forth in the words of the apostle: “Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.” While doing this our minds become clearer and our faith stronger, and our hope is confirmed; we are so engrossed with the view of His purity and loveliness, and the sacrifice He has made to bring us into agreement with God, that we have no disposition to speak of doubts and discouragements. {5T 744.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 88. 736.     Fra side 736 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Den uvurderlige gave

Alt, hvad menneskene modtager af nådegaver fra Gud, tilhører fremdeles ham. Alt, hvad han har skænket af de værdifulde og skønne ting på jorden, er lagt i vore hænder for at prøve os for at lodde dybden i vor kærlighed til ham og i vor vurdering af hans nådesbevisninger. Enten det er skatte bestående af rigdom eller af åndsevner, skal de lægges som et villigt offer for Jesu fødder.

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