The preaching of the word is a means by which the Lord has ordained that His warning message shall be given to the world. In the Scriptures the faithful teacher is represented as a shepherd of the flock of God. He is to be respected and his work appreciated. Genuine medical missionary work is bound up with the ministry, and the canvassing work is to be a part both of the medical missionary work and of the ministry. To those who are engaged in this work I would say: As you visit the people, tell them that you are a gospel worker and that you love the Lord. Do not seek a home in a hotel, but stay at a private house and become acquainted with the family. Christ was sowing the seeds of truth wherever He was, and as His followers you can witness for the Master, doing a most precious work in fireside labor. In thus coming close to the people you will often find those who are sick and discouraged. If you are pressing close to the side of Christ, wearing His yoke, you will daily learn of Him how to carry messages of peace and comfort to the sorrowing and disappointed, the sad and broken-hearted. You can point the discouraged ones to the word of God and take the sick to the Lord in prayer. As you pray, speak to Christ as you would to a trusted, much-loved friend. Maintain a sweet, free, pleasant dignity, as a child of God. This will be recognized. {6T 323.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 6 kapitel 40. 323.     Fra side 323 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Kolportøren er en evangelisk arbejder

Ordets forkyndelse er det middel, ved hvilket Herren har bestemt, at hans advarende budskab skal lyde til verden. I skriften fremstilles den trofaste lærer som en hyrde for Guds hjord. Han skal respekteres og hans arbejde påskønnes. Det sande sundhedsarbejde er fast knyttet til prædikegerningen og kolportørarbejdet skal være en del af både sundheds-, missions- og prædikegerningen. Til dem, der beskæftiger sig med dette arbejde, ønsker jeg at sige. Når du besøger folk, så fortæl dem, at du er en evangelisk arbejder og at du elsker Herren.

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