“Who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks.” Revelation 2:1. This scripture shows Christ’s relation to the churches. He walks in the midst of His churches throughout the length and breadth of the earth. He watches them with intense interest to see whether they are in such a condition spiritually that they can advance His kingdom. Christ is present in every assembly of the church. He is acquainted with everyone connected with His service. He knows those whose hearts He can fill with the holy oil, that they may impart it to others. Those who faithfully carry forward the work of Christ in our world, representing in word and works the character of God, fulfilling the Lord’s purpose for them, are in His sight very precious. Christ takes pleasure in them as a man takes pleasure in a well-kept garden and the fragrance of the flowers he has planted. {6T 418.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 6 kapitel 52. 412.     Fra side 412 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

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Unge mænd i tjenesten

Hvor mange af vore unge mænd går ikke ind i Guds gerning, ikke vor at blive betjent, men for at tjene? For nogen tid siden, var der nogle som fæstnede deres tanker på den ene sjæl efter den anden og sagde: "Herre hjælp mig til at frelse denne sjæl" Men (413) nu sker det sjældent. Hvor mange handler som om de indser syndernes fare? Hvor mange tager sig af dem, de ved er i fare og bringer dem frem for Gud i bøn og beder ham frelse dem?

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