Those who are truly converted are called to do a work that requires money and consecration. The obligation that binds us to place our names on the church roll holds us responsible to work for God to the utmost of our ability. He calls for undivided service, for the entire devotion of heart, soul, mind, and strength. Christ has brought us into church capacity that He may engage and engross all our capabilities in devoted service for the salvation of souls. Anything short of this is opposition to the work. There are only two places in the world where we can deposit our treasures—in God’s storehouse or in Satan’s, and all that is not devoted to Christ’s service is counted on Satan’s side and goes to strengthen his cause. {6T 447.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 6 kapitel 55. 441.     Fra side 441 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Flere muligheder

Den tid er kommet hvor der ikke skal spildes eller misbruges nogen fysisk, mental eller moralsk kraft. Herren vil have, at hans folk i Amerika ikke længere skal (442) begrænse de store muligheder der er for moralsk og åndelig vækst i hans værk, til nogle få steder der hjemme. Dem, han har givet meget, kalder han til at give det videre. Sæt jeres midler der hvor de vil hjælpe og give folkene i mørke og på havets øer lys.

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