Care of the HelpersThe managers of our restaurants are to work for the salvation of the employees. They must not overwork, because by so doing they will place themselves where they have neither strength nor inclination to help the workers spiritually. They are to devote their best powers to instructing their employees in spiritual lines, explaining the Scriptures to them and praying with them and for them. They are to guard the religious interests of the helpers as carefully as parents are to guard the religious interests of their children. Patiently and tenderly they are to watch over them, doing all in their power to help them in the perfection of Christian characters. Their words are to be like apples of gold in pictures of silver; their actions are to be free from every trace of selfishness and harshness. They are to stand as minutemen, watching for souls as they that must give an account. They are to strive to keep their helpers standing on vantage ground, where their courage will constantly grow stronger and their faith in God constantly increase. {7T 117.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 7 kapitel 24. 117.     Fra side 117 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Arbejdet med restauranterne

Hjælpernes omsorg
Vore restauranters ledere skal arbejde for medarbejdernes frelse. De må ikke arbejde over, fordi de derved hverken har styrke eller lyst til at hjælpe medarbejderne åndeligt. De skal hellige deres bedste kræfter til at instruere deres medarbejdere i åndelige emner, forklare skrifterne for dem og bede med dem og for dem. De skal vogte over hjælpernes religiøse liv lige så omhyggeligt som forældre vogter deres børns religiøse liv. De skal tålmodigt og ømt våge over dem, gøre alt i deres magt for at hjælpe dem i udviklingen af kristen karakter. Deres ord skal være ligesom æbler af guld i skåle af sølv, deres handlinger skal være fri fra ethvert spor af selviskhed og hårdhed. De skal stå som vagtfolk, våge over sjæle som skal de aflægge et regnskab. De skal stræbe efter at holde deres hjælpere på et rigtigt grundlag, så de stadigt vil blive stærkere og deres tro på Gud vil vokse.

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