Those in positions of responsibility in the publishing houses should not allow themselves to be so pressed with work that they have no time for maintaining the spiritual interest. When this interest is kept alive in the publishing house, it will exert a powerful influence in the church; and when it is kept alive in the church, it will exert a powerful influence in the publishing house. God’s blessing will rest on the work when it is so conducted that souls are won to Christ. {7T 187.3}All the workers in the publishing house who profess the name of Christ should be workers in the church. It is essential to their own spiritual life that they improve every means of grace. They will obtain strength, not by standing as spectators, but by becoming workers. Everyone should be enlisted in some line of regular, systematic labor in connection with the church. All should realize that as Christians this is their duty. By their baptismal vow they stand pledged to do all in their power to build up the church of Christ. Show them that love and loyalty to their Redeemer, loyalty to the standard of true manhood and womanhood, loyalty to the institution with which they are connected, demands this. They cannot be faithful servants of Christ, they cannot be men and women of real integrity, they cannot be acceptable workers in God’s institution, while neglecting these duties. {7T 187.4}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 7 kapitel 35. 187.     Fra side 187 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Menigheden og forlaget

Alle arbejdere ved forlaget, som bekender Kristi navn, bør være arbejdere i menigheden. Det er af afgørende betydning for deres eget åndelige liv, at de udnytter ethvert nådemiddel. De vil få styrke, ikke ved at stå som tilskuere, men ved at blive arbejdere. (188) Enhver bør være beskæftiget i en eller anden gren af regulært, systematisk arbejde i forbindelse med menigheden. Alle bør forstå, at det er deres pligt som kristne. Ved deres dåbsløfte har de forpligtet sig til at gøre alt, hvad der står i deres magt for at opbygge Kristi menighed. Vis dem, at kærlighed og lydighed mod deres Genløser, troskab mod idealerne for sand mandighed og kvindelighed og troskab mod den institution, de er knyttet til, kræver dette. De kan ikke være Kristi trofaste tjenere, de kan ikke være virkelig retskafne mænd og kvinder, de kan ikke være brugbare arbejdere ved Guds institutioner, når de forsømmer disse pligter.

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