The Bible, and the Bible alone, can produce this good result. It is the wisdom of God and the power of God, and it works with all power in the receptive heart. Oh, what heights we might reach if we would conform our wills to the will of God! It is the power of God that we need, wherever we are. The frivolity that cumbers the church makes it weak and indifferent. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are seeking and longing for channels through which to communicate to the world the divine principles of truth. {8T 194.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 8 kapitel 30. 194.     Fra side 194 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Guds ords værdi

Bibelen og Bibelen alene kan frembringe dette gode resultat. Den er Guds visdom og Guds kraft og den arbejder med al kraft i det modtagelige hjerte. Oh, hvilke højder vil vi kunne nå, hvis vi lod vor vilje underordne sig Guds vilje! Det er Guds kraft, vi behøver, - hvor vi end er.

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