In the sanctuary and the temple, that were the earthly symbols of God’s dwelling place, one apartment was sacred to His presence. The veil inwrought with cherubim at its entrance was not to be lifted by any hand save one. To lift that veil and intrude unbidden into the sacred mystery of the most holy place was death. For above the mercy seat and the bowed, worshiping angels dwelt the glory of the Holiest, glory upon which no man might look and live. On the one day of the year appointed for ministry in the most holy place, the high priest with trembling entered God’s presence, while clouds of incense veiled the glory from his sight. Throughout the courts of the temple every sound was hushed. No priests ministered at the altars. The hosts of worshipers, bowed in silent awe, sent up their petitions for God’s mercy. {8T 284.5}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 8 kapitel 44. 286.     Fra side 286 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

En falsk og en sand kundskab til Gud

»Ingen har nogensinde set Gud; den enbårne, som selv er Gud og som er i Faderens favn, han er blevet hans tolk.« Joh.1,18.

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