At the same time there will be a power working from beneath. While God’s agents of mercy work through consecrated human beings, Satan sets his agencies in operation, laying under tribute all who will submit to his control. There will be lords many and gods many. The cry will be heard, “Lo, here is Christ,” and, “Lo, there is Christ.” The deep plotting of Satan will reveal itself everywhere for the purpose of diverting the attention of men and women from present duty. There will be signs and wonders. But the eye of faith will discern in all these manifestations harbingers of the grand and awful future, and the triumphs that await the people of God. {9T 47.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 9 kapitel 4. 47.     Fra side 47 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Nødvendigheden af alvorlige anstrengelser

Arbejd, oh, arbejd og hav evigheden for øje! Husk, at enhver kraft og evne må være helligjort. Et stort arbejde skal udføres. Lad denne bøn opstige fra læber, der er uden svig: »Gud være os nådig og velsigne os, han lade sit ansigt lyse over os,... for at din vej må kendes på jorden, din frelse blandt alle folk.« Sl.67,1-2.

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