He left the immediate presence of the Father, dissatisfied, and filled with envy against Jesus Christ. Concealing his real purposes, he assembled the angelic host. He introduced his subject, which was himself. As one aggrieved, he related the preference God had given Jesus to the neglect of himself. He told them that henceforth all the sweet liberty the angels had enjoyed was at an end. For had not a ruler been appointed over them, to whom they from henceforth must yield servile honor? He stated to them that he had called them together to assure them that he no longer would submit to this invasion of his rights and theirs; that never would he again bow down to Christ; that he would take the honor upon himself which should have been conferred upon him, and would be the commander of all who would submit to follow him and obey his voice. There was contention among the angels. Satan and his sympathizers were striving to reform the government of God. They were discontented and unhappy because they could not look into his unsearchable wisdom and ascertain his purposes in exalting his Son Jesus, and endowing him with such unlimited power and command. They rebelled against the authority of the Son. {1SP 18.2}

Profetiens ånd bind 1 kapitel 1. 18.     Fra side 18 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Første kapitel
Satans fald

Han forlod Faderens umiddelbare nærhed, misfornøjet og fyldt med misundelse mod Jesus Kristus. Han forsamlede englenes hær, mens han skjulte sin virkelige hensigt. Han fremførte sit emne, (19) hvilket var ham selv. Som én der var forurettet fortalte han hvorledes Gud havde foretrukket Jesus, men tilsidesat ham selv. Han fortalte dem at herefter var al den søde frihed forbi, som englene havde nydt. Var der ikke blevet en regent udnævnt over dem, som de derfor må bevise underdanig ære?

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