How soon the Israelites distrusted God! They had witnessed all his judgments upon Egypt to compel the king to let Israel go; but when their confidence in God was tested, they murmured, notwithstanding they had seen such evidences of his power in their wonderful deliverance. Instead of trusting in God in their necessity, they murmured at faithful Moses, reminding him of their words of unbelief which they uttered in Egypt. They accused him of being the cause of all their distress. He encouraged them to trust in God, and withhold their expressions of unbelief, and they should see what the Lord would do for them. Moses earnestly cried to the Lord to deliver his chosen people. {1SP 207.1} | |
Profetiens ånd bind 1 kapitel 18. 207. Fra side 207 i den engelske udgave. | tilbage |
Hvor hurtig fik israelitterne ikke mistillid til Gud! De havde været vidne til hans domme over Ægypten der tvinger kongen til at lade Israel rejse; men når deres tillid til Gud blev prøvet, knurrede de selvom de havde set disse beviser på hans kraft, for deres underfulde udfrielse. I stedet for at sætte deres nødvendige lid til Gud, knurrede de til den trofaste Moses, mindede ham om deres vantro ord som de sagde i Ægypten. De anklagede ham for at være årsag til deres trængsler. Han opmuntrede dem til at sætte lid til Gud, og holde deres udtryk for vantro inde, og de skal se hvad Herren vil gøre for dem. Moses råbte alvorligt til Herren for at befri sit udvalgte folk. |