These Samaritan listeners were in darkness and superstition; but they were not contented with their condition, and the words of Jesus relieved them of many doubts and uncertainties that had harassed their minds. Many who had come from curiosity to see and hear this remarkable person were convicted of the truth of his teachings, and acknowledged him as their Saviour. Eagerly they listened to the words he spoke in reference to the kingdom of God. In their new joy they said unto the woman, “Now we believe, not because of thy saying; for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” {2SP 148.2}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 10. 148.     Fra side 148 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Den samaritanske kvinde.

Disse samaritanske tilhørere var formørkede i forstanden og overtroiske; men de var ikke tilfredse med sin tilstand, og Jesu ord bortfjernede megen tvivl og uvished, som havde plaget deres sind. Mange, som kom af nysgerrighed for at se og høre denne mærkelige person, blev overbevist af hans læres sandhed og erkendte ham som sin Frelser. (149) De lyttede begærlig til de ord, han talte om Guds rige. De sagde med glæde til kvinden: "Vi tror nu ikke længere for din tales skyld; thi vi har selv hørt og ved, at denne er sandelig denne verdens Frelser, Kristus." (Joh 4,12)

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