Jesus had spent several months in Judea, giving the rulers of Israel a fair opportunity of proving his character as the Saviour of the world. He had performed many mighty works in their midst; but he was still treated by them with suspicion and jealousy. In passing through Samaria on his way to Galilee, his reception among the Samaritans, and the eagerness with which they listened to his teachings, were in marked contrast with the incredulity of the Jews, who had misinterpreted the prophecies of Daniel, Zechariah, and Ezekiel, confusing the first advent of Christ with his second majestic and glorious appearing. {2SP 150.1}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 10. 150.     Fra side 150 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Den samaritanske kvinde.

Jesus havde tilbragt flere måneder i Judæa og givet israelitternes øvester god anledning til at blive bekendt med ham som verden Frelser. Han havde gjort mange mægtige gerninger iblandt dem; men de behandlede ham endnu med mistanke og misundelse. Idet han gik gennem Samaria på sin vej til Galilæa blev han modtaget af samaritanerne, og den begærlighed, hvormed de lyttede til hans undervisning, stod i stærk modsætning til jødernes vantro; de fortolkede Daniels, Zakarias' og Ezekiels profetier fejlagtig, så at de forvekslede Kristi første komme med hans andet komme i herlighed og majestæt.

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