Their blindness was in consequence of their lofty pride and arrogance, looking only for worldly station and emolument. They urged their interpretation of the prophecies upon the Samaritans, who believed that Messiah was to come not only as a Redeemer of the Jews, but of the world. This caused great bitterness toward them from the Jews, who contended that Christ would come to exalt Israel and to bring into subjection all other nations. This perversion of the prophecies led the Samaritans to discard all the sacred writings but those of Moses. But their minds were open to enlightenment, and they received the Saviour’s instruction joyfully and accepted him as the promised Messiah. {2SP 150.2}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 10. 150.     Fra side 150 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Den samaritanske kvinde.

Deres blindhed var en følge af deres hovmod og indbildskhed, så at de blot længtes efter verdslig ære og ophøjelse. De trængte ind på samaritanerne med deres fortolkninger af profetierne; thi disse troede, at Messias skulle komme ikke blot som jødernes, men som verdens forløser. Dette frembragte stor bitterhed mod dem blandt (151) jøderne; thi de påstod, at Kristus skulle komme for at ophøje israelitterne og bringe alle andre nationer under dem. Denne forvanskning af profetierne ledte samaritanerne til at forklare alle de hellige bøger undtagen Moses'. Men de var villige til at lade sig oplyse, og de tog imod Frelserens undervisning og antog ham som den lovede Messias.

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