Few realize the full force of Christ’s words in regard to his connection with the Father. They teach man that he should consider himself inseparably bound to his Heavenly Parent, that, whatever position he may occupy, he is responsible to God, who holds all destinies in his hands. He has appointed man to do his work, he has endowed him with faculties and means for that purpose, and so long as man is faithful to his high stewardship, he may feel warranted in claiming the blessings and promises of his Master. But if, when raised to a position of sacred trust, he becomes exalted in his own estimation,—depending upon his own wisdom and power, taking affairs into his own hands, and separating himself from Him whom he professes to serve,—God will call him to an account for his unauthorized acts; he has not worked in unison with his Commander. {2SP 166.3}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 12. 167.     Fra side 167 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Jesus ved Bethesda.

Men folket lod sig ikke bevæge til at bruge vold, og de beskæmmede sine øvester, idet de upartisk lyttede til Jesu ord. De billigede hans gerning, idet han helbredte den stakkels lamme, som havde været syg i otte og tredive år. Præsterne og de ældste var derfor tvungne til lige i øjeblikket at holde deres hævn inde og vente på en mere gunstig lejlighed til at udføre deres onde hensigter.

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