As the victim realized that the Healer was near to release him, his heart was aroused to long for freedom from Satan’s power. The demon resisted this power and held control over the poor wretch who was wrestling against him. The sufferer tried to appeal to Jesus for help, but when he opened his lips, the demon put words in his mouth so that he shrieked out in an agony of fear, “Let us alone! what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?” The darkened reason of the poor man partially comprehended that he was in the presence of one who could free him from the bondage that had so long enslaved him; but when he sought to come within reach of that mighty hand, another’s will held him back, another’s words found utterance through him. {2SP 178.1}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 13. 178.     Fra side 178 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Jesus i Kapernaum.

(178) Da den ulykkelige forstod, at det Store Læge ville helbrede ham, opstod der en længsel i hans hjerte efter at blive befriet fra Satans magt. Den onde ånd modstod denne magt og søgte at beherske det arme menneske, som stred mod ånden. Den besatte forsøgte at bede Jesus om hjælp; men da han åbnede sine læber for at tale, lagde den onde ånd ord i hans mund, så at han i frygt og angst råbte: "Lad os i fred; Jesus af Nazaret!" Det stakkels menneskes formørkede forstand fattede tildels, at han stod for en, som kunne fri ham af den trældom, som længe havde gjort ham til en slave. Men da han søgte at trænge sig nær til Frelseren, var der an anden, som holdt ham tilbage; den onde ånds ord blev udtalt af ham.

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