He accordingly made a feast at his own house and called together his friends and relatives, among whom were a number of publicans. Jesus was invited as a guest, in whose honor the feast was prepared. He, with his disciples, accepted the courteous invitation, and graced the banquet with his presence. The envious scribes and Pharisees, who were ever watching and following the movements of Jesus, did not lose this opportunity of seeking to condemn the cause of Christ. {2SP 188.2}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 14. 188.     Fra side 188 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Jesus udvælger disciplene.

Han gjorde derfor et stort gæstebud i sit eget hus og sammen kaldte sine venner og slægtninge, hvor i blandt der var en del toldere. Jesus blev indbudt som gæst; thi festen var beredt til hans ære. Han modtog den høflige indbydelse og prydede festen med sin nærværelse tillige med hans disciple. De misundelige skriftkloge og farisæer, som iagttog alt, hvad Jesus gjorde, undlod ikke at benytte denne anledning til at fordømme Kristi virksomhed.

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