Jesus had come to heal the wounds of sin among his own nation, but they refused his proffered aid; they trampled upon his teachings and made light of his mighty works. The Lord turned, therefore, to those who would hear his words. Matthew and his associates obeyed the summons of the Master and followed him. The despised publican became one of the most devoted evangelists. His unselfish heart was drawn out for souls that needed the light. He did not repulse sinners by magnifying his own piety, and contrasting it with their sinfulness; but linked them to himself through kindly sympathy, as he presented to them the precious gospel of Christ. His labors were attended with marked success. Many of those who sat at that feast, and listened to the divine instruction of Jesus, became instruments of enlightenment to the people. {2SP 189.3}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 14. 189.     Fra side 189 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Jesus udvælger disciplene.

Jesus var kommet for at læge sin nations syndesår; men de ville ikke modtage hans hjælp. De trådte hans lære under fødder og foragtede hans mægtige gerninger. Han vendte sig derfor til dem, som ville høre hans ord. Mattæus og hans venner adlød Frelserens (190) kald og fulgte ham. Den foragtede tolder blev en af de ivrigste evangelister. Hans uegennyttige hjerte blev hendraget til sjæle, som behøvede lys. Han stødte ikke syndere bort ved at ophøje sin egen fromhed og at sætte den i modsætning til deres synd; men han vandt dem ved kærlig sympati idet han fremholdt Kristi dyrebare evangelium for dem. Han gjorde stor fremgang i sin virksomhed. Mange af dem, som var med til dette gæstebud og lyttede til Jesu guddommelige undervisning, blev redskaber til at oplyse folket.

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