Joyfully he presented his offering to the priests and magnified the name of Jesus who had restored him to health. This irrefutable testimony convinced the priests of the divine power of Jesus, although they still refused to acknowledge him as the Messiah. The Pharisees had asserted that his teachings were directly opposed to the law of Moses, and for the purpose of exalting himself; yet his special directions to the cleansed leper to make an offering to the priest according to the law of Moses, evidenced to the people that these accusations were false. {2SP 229.4}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 17. 229.     Fra side 229 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Den spedalskes helbredelse.

Med glæde fremførte han sit offer for præsten og ophøjede Jesus navn, som havde givet hans helbred igen. Det uimodsigelige vidnesbyrd(230) overbeviste præsterne om Jesus guddommelige magt, selv om de fremdeles nægtede at erkende ham som Messias. Farisæerne påstod, at hans lære var i ligefrem strid med Mose lov og gik ud på at ophøje ham selv. Men hans befaling til den spedalske, som blev renset, at han skulle bringe et offer til præsten efter Mose lov, beviste for folket, at denne anklage var falsk.

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