This figure presented a most marked contrast to the condition of the Jews. Their religion was cold and formal, the Holy Spirit had no place in their hearts; therefore, instead of growing in grace, and advancing in the knowledge of God, they were continually becoming more callous and bigoted, retreating farther and farther from the presence of the Lord. The proud, caviling Pharisees looked around upon the vast numbers gathered to hear Jesus, and noted contemptuously how few there were who acknowledged him as the Messiah. There were many educated and influential men who had come to hear the prophet whose fame had spread far and near. Some of these looked with curious interest upon the throng, which was composed of all classes of society and every nationality. There were the poor, the illiterate, the ragged beggar, the robber with the seal of guilt upon his face, the sick, the maimed, the dissipated, high and low, rich and humble, jostling each other for a place to stand and hear the words of Jesus. {2SP 245.1}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 19. 245.     Fra side 245 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Andre lignelser.

(245) Denne lignelse stod i stærk modsætning til jødernes tilstand. Deres religion var kold og stiv; Helligånden have ingen plads i deres hjerte. I stedet for at vokse i nåden og i Guds kundskab blev de hele tiden mere hårdhjertede og skinhellige og kom længere og længere bort fra Herrens samfund, De stolte, underfundige farisæer så omkring på de store skarer, som forsamledes for at høre Jesus, og lagde med foragt mærke til, hvor få der var, som erkendte, at han var Messias. Der var mange indflydelsesrige og mægtige mænd, som kom for at høre den profet, hvis ry var udbredt nær og fjern. Nogle af den betragtede skaren med nysgerrighed, eftersom den bestod af alle samfundsklasser og alle nationer. Der var fattige, ulærde folk, pjaltede tiggere, hvis ansigter bar præg af deres synd, syge og lamme, udsvævende mennesker, høje og lave, rige og fattige, som trængte på hverandre for at få plads til at stå og høre Jesu ord.

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