This discourse of Jesus cooled the enthusiasm of the people. If, by becoming his disciples, they must live righteous lives, deny self, and suffer humiliation, they had no desire to rally under his banner. Alas for Israel! They knew not the time of their visitation! They refused their Saviour, because they longed for a conqueror who would give them temporal power. They wanted the meat which perishes, and not that which endures unto everlasting life. Their ambition was for earthly riches and glory, and they had no relish for the words of Christ that taught personal purity, and a thorough reformation of life. {2SP 285.1}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 22. 285.     Fra side 285 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Kristus i synagogen.

Jesu tale ved denne lejlighed afkølede folkets begejstring. De havde ingen lyst til at samles under hans banner, dersom de skulle leve i retfærdighed, fornægte sig selv og lide foragt som hans disciple. Det arme Israel kendte ikke sin besøgelsestid. De bortstødte deres Frelser, fordi de længtes efter en sejrherre, som kunne give dem jordisk magt. De ønskede at få den mad, som forgår, og ikke den som varer til et evigt liv. Deres hu stod til jordisk rigdom og ære, og de fandt ikke behag i Kristi lære om renhed og hellighed i hjerte og liv.

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