If it were not for the poverty of Christ, and the fact that the poor and humble are ranked beneath his banner, many would connect themselves with him and glorify his name. If he had bestowed honors and riches upon those who became his disciples, how gladly would the proud Pharisees, the chief priests and scribes, have paid him homage. Many in these days would accept the truth if there was no self-denial connected with it. If they could have the world with Christ, they would enlist in his army. But to follow him in his humiliation, with no prospect of an earthly reward thereby, is more than their feeble faith can endure. They turn back crest-fallen, as did the scribe from the rebuke of Jesus. {2SP 306.1} After dismissing the multitude, Jesus and his disciples took ship for the other side of the sea, which was a desert in comparison with the shore that they were leaving; but for this very reason they hoped to find rest from the fatigue of their labors, being removed from the dwellings of men. However, as they were moving off, a number of boats loaded with people followed Jesus, desirous of learning more concerning the doctrine that he taught. {2SP 306.2}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 25. 306.     Fra side 306 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Kristus stiller stormen.

Efter at Jesus havde sendt mængden bort, steg han med sine disciple i skibet for at begive sig til søens modsatte bred, som var en ørken, sammenlignet med den, som de forlod. De håbede at finde hvile fra deres arbejde og besvær, når de kom så langt bort fra beboede steder. (307) Men da de rejste fulgte flere både fulde af folk efter Jesus; thi de ønskede at blive bedre bekendt med hans lære.

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