Jesus was acquainted with the grief and perplexity of his disciples, and he designed to give them additional proof of his Messiahship, in order that their faith might not utterly fail them in the severe ordeal to which they were soon to be subjected. As the sun was setting he called his three most devoted disciples to his side, and led them out of the noisy town, across the fields, and up the steep side of a mountain. Jesus was weary from toil and travel. He had taught the people and healed the sick throughout the entire day; but he sought this high elevation because he could there find retirement from the crowds that continually sought him, and time for meditation and prayer. He was very weary, and was much fatigued in toiling up the steep ascent. {2SP 326.1}

Profetiens ånd bind 2 kapitel 28. 326.     Fra side 326 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


Jesus var bekendt med sine disciples bedrøvelse og rådvildhed, og han besluttede at give dem et bevis på, at han var Messias, for at deres tro ikke aldeles skulle svigte dem i den strenge prøve, som de snart skulle underkastes. Da solen var ved at gå ned, kaldte han sine tre mest hengivne disciple til sig og førte dem ud af den støjende by, over markerne op på siden af et stejlt bjerg. Jesus var træt af sin rejse og virksomhed. Men han søgte hen til dette ophøjede sted, fordi han der kunne finde ensomhed og undgå de skarer, som hele tiden søgte ham, og få tid til andagtsfulde betragtninger og bøn. Han var meget træt og udmattet; men han steg alligevel opad de bratte fjelde.

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