A great multitude followed the Saviour to Calvary, many mocking and deriding; but some were weeping and recounting his praise. Those whom he had healed of various infirmities, and those whom he had raised from the dead, declared his marvelous works with earnest voice, and demanded to know what Jesus had done that he should be treated as a malefactor. Only a few days before, they had attended him with joyful hosannas, and the waving of palm-branches, as he rode triumphantly to Jerusalem. But many who had then shouted his praise, because it was popular to do so, now swelled the cry of “Crucify him! Crucify him!” {3SP 152.1}

Profetiens ånd bind 3 kapitel 10. 152.     Fra side 152 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


En stor mængde fulgte Frelseren til Golgatha. Mange spottede og forhånede ham; men nogle græd og roste ham. De, som han havde helbredt fra forskellige sygdomme og oprejst fra de døde, fortalte om hans underfulde gerninger med høj røst og forlangte at vide, hvad Jesus havde gjort, hvorfor han skulle behandles som en forbryder.

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