After Jesus was nailed to the cross, it was lifted by several powerful men, and thrust with great violence into the place prepared for it, causing the most excruciating agony to the Son of God. Pilate then wrote an inscription in three different languages and placed it upon the cross, above the head of Jesus. It ran thus: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” This inscription, placed so conspicuously upon the cross, irritated the Jews. In Pilate’s court they had cried, Crucify him! We have no king but Caesar! They declared that whoever claimed other than Caesar for a king was a traitor. But they had overreached themselves in disclaiming any desire to have a king of their own nation. Pilate, in his inscription, wrote out the sentiments which they had expressed. It was a virtual declaration, and so understood by all, that the Jews acknowledged that on account of their allegiance to the Roman power, any man who aspired to be king of the Jews, however innocent in other respects, should be judged by them worthy of death. There was no other offense named in the inscription; it simply stated that Jesus was the king of the Jews. {3SP 154.2}

Profetiens ånd bind 3 kapitel 10. 154.     Fra side 154 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


Efter at Jesus var naglet til korset, blev det løftet op af flere kraftige mænd og med stor voldsomhed sat ned på det sted, som var beredt for det, hvilket forårsagede Guds (155) Søn den mest uudholdelige smerte. Derpå skrev Pilatus en indskrift i tre forskellige sprog og satte den på korset over Kristi hoved:

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