The disciples had been confused by the interpretations and traditions of the priests, and hence their darkness and unbelief in regard to the trial, death, and resurrection of their Master. These misinterpreted prophecies were now made plain to the understanding of the two disciples, by Him who, through his Holy Spirit, inspired men to write them. Jesus showed his disciples that every specification of prophecy regarding Messiah had found an exact fulfillment in the life and death of their Master. He addressed them as a stranger, and as one who was astonished that they had not interpreted the Scriptures correctly, which would have relieved them from all their difficulties. {3SP 210.1}

Profetiens ånd bind 3 kapitel 15. 209.     Fra side 209 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Jesus ved Emaus.

Apostlene minder også alle om, hvor vigtige det gamle testamentes skrifter er. Apostelen Peter siger: "Thi aldrig er nogen profeti fremgået af et menneskes vilje, men drevne af Helligånden udtalte mennesker, hvad de fik fra Gud. (2Pet 1,21) Lukas taler som følger om de profetier, der forudsagde Kristi komme: "Lovet være Herren, Israels Gud, thi han har besøgt og forløst sit folk og oprejst os et frelsens horn i sin tjener Davids hus, som han havde lovet sine hellige profeters mund fra fordums tid." (Luk 1,68-70)

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