Apollos, having become better acquainted with the doctrine of Christ, now felt anxious to visit Corinth, and the Ephesian brethren wrote to the Corinthians to receive him as a teacher in full harmony with the church of Christ. He accordingly went to Corinth, and labored with the very Jews who had rejected the truth as preached to them by Paul. He reasoned with them from house to house, both publicly and privately, showing them Christ in prophecy; that he was Jesus whom Paul had preached, and that their expectations of another Messiah to come were in vain. Thus Paul planted the seed of truth, and Apollos watered it; and the fact that Apollos supported the mission of Paul gave character to the past labors of the great apostle among them. {LP 119.3}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 12. 119.     Fra side 119 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Apollos i Korint

Apollos, var blevet bedre bekendt med Kristi lære, var nu ivrig efter at besøge Korint, og brødrene i Efesus skrev til korinterne for at tage imod ham som en lærer i fuld harmoni med Kristi menighed. Derfor tog han til Korint, og arbejde med de jøder, som havde forkastet den sandhed Paulus havde forkyndt dem. Han talte fornuftigt med dem fra hus til hus, både offentligt og privat, viste dem Kristus i profetien, at han var Jesus, som Paulus havde forkyndt, og at deres forventninger om en anden kommende Messias var forgæves. Derved plantede Paulus sandhedens frø, og Apollos vandede det, og det at Apollos understøttede Paulus mission, gav karakter til det arbejde den første store apostle gjorde hos dem.

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