They vindicated their position, which was in opposition to that of Paul, by showing that the course of the apostle, in receiving the Gentiles into the church without circumcision, prevented more Jews from accepting the faith than there were accessions from the Gentiles. Thus they excused their opposition to the results of the calm deliberations of God’s acknowledged servants.{LP 121.2}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 12. 121.     Fra side 121 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Apollos i Korint

De hævdede deres standpunkt, som var imod Paulus standpunkt, ved at vise at apostlens optræden, at tage hedninge ind i menigheden uden omskærelse, forhindrede de flere jøder fra at acceptere tron, end de hedningene som kom ind. De undskyldte derved deres modstand med resultaterne af Guds anerkendte tjeneres rolige sindighed.

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