At Jerusalem and at Antioch he had defended Christianity against the narrow restrictions of Judaism. He had preached the gospel to the pagans of Lycaonia, to the fanatics of Galatia, to the colonists of Macedonia, to the frivolous art-worshipers of Athens, to the pleasure-loving merchants of Corinth, to the half-barbarous nations of Dalmatia, to the islanders of Crete, and to slaves, soldiers, and men of rank and station, in the multitudes at Rome. Now he was doing his last work.{LP 304.2}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 28. 304.     Fra side 304 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus i frihed

Han havde forsvaret kristendommen i Jerusalem og i Antiokia imod jødernes snæversynede begrænsninger. Han havde forkyndt evangeliet for hedningene i Lykaonia,, for fanatikere i Galatien, til nybyggerne i Makedonien, for atheenernes overfladiske kunsttilbedere, for Konrints fornøjelseselskende købmænd, for Dalmatiens halvbarbariske folkeslag, for Kretas øboere, for slaver, soldater og mænd af rank og stade, for folkemængderne i Rom. Nu gjorde han sit sidste arbejde.

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