Paul concludes his letter with various personal messages, and again and again repeats the urgent request that Timothy use all diligence to come to him soon, and if possible to come before winter. He describes his loneliness from the desertion of some friends and the necessary absence of others, and lest Timothy should still hesitate, fearing that the church at Ephesus demanded his labors, he states that he has already despatched Tychicus to fill the place of Timothy in his absence. And then he adds the touching request, “The cloke that I left at Troas, with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.” At his second arrest, Paul was seized and hurried away so suddenly that he had no opportunity to gather up his few “books and parchments,” or even to take with him his cloak. And now winter was coming on, and he knew that he would suffer with cold in his damp prison-cell. He had no money to buy another garment, he knew that his end might come at any moment, and with his usual self-forgetfulness and fear to burden the church, he desired that no expense should be incurred on his account.{LP 327.1}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 31. 327.     Fra side 327 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus’ sidste brev

Paulus afslutter sit brev med forskellige personlige budskaber, og gentager indtrængende anmodninger igen og igen, at Timotius sætter al flid ind på at komme hurtigt til ham, og om muligt komme før vinteren. Han beskriver sin ensomhed når han er svigtet af nogle venner, og nødvendige fravær af andre, og for at Timotius stadig tøver, i ængstelse for at Efesus har brug for hans arbejde, skriver han at Tykikus udfylder Timotius sted under hans fravær. Og han tilføjer denne rørende anmodning: "Den kappe, jeg lod blive i Troas hos Karpus, skal du tage med, når du kommer, ligeså bøgerne, især dem på pergament." Ved sin anden anholdelse, blev Paulus fængslet og taget så hurtigt bort at han ikke fik anledning til at samle sine få "bøger og pergamenter," eller endog tage sin kappe med sig. Og nu kom vinteren, og han vidste at han ville lide kulde i hans fugtige fængslelscelle. Han havde ikke penge til at købe andre klæder, og han vidste at han afslutning måtte komme hvert øjeblik, og med sin sædvanlige egenglemsomhed og bekymring for at bebyrde menigheden, ønskede han at der ikke skal bekostet noget på grund af ham.

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