At a future period there was a sharp contention between Paul and Barnabas concerning Mark, who was still anxious to devote himself to the work of the ministry. This contention caused Paul and Barnabas to separate, the latter following out his convictions, and taking Mark with him in his work. Paul could not, at that time, excuse in any degree the weakness of Mark in deserting them and the work upon which they had entered, for the ease and quiet of home; and he urged that one with so little stamina was unfit for the gospel ministry, which required patience, self-denial, bravery, and faith, with a willingness to sacrifice even life if need be. {LP 47.2}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 4. 47.     Fra side 47 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus’ og Barnabas’ ordination

En stund længere fremme var der en skarp strid mellem Paulus og Barnabas om Markus, som stadig var ivrig efter at hellige sig selv til forkyndergerningen. På det tidspunkt kunne Paulus ikke undskylde Markus svaghed på noget tidspunkt for at svigte dem, og det arbejde som de var gået ind i, for et nemt og stille hjem; og han bad instændigt om at en med så lidt modstandskraft ikke egnede sig til evangeliearbejdet, som krævede tålmodighed, selvfornægtelse, tapperhed og tro med villighed til at endog ofre livet.

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