When he had finished, and the Jews had left the synagogue, the Gentiles still lingered, and entreated that the same words might be spoken unto them the next Sabbath day. The apostles created a great interest in the place, among both Jews and Gentiles. They encouraged the believers and converts to stand fast in their faith, and to continue in the grace of God. The interest to hear the words of the apostles was so great that the whole city came together on the next Sabbath day. But now, as in the days of Christ, when the Jewish priests and rulers saw the multitudes that had assembled to hear the new doctrine, they were moved by envy and jealousy, and contradicted the words of the apostles with blasphemy. Their old bigotry and prejudice were also aroused, when they perceived great numbers of Gentiles mingling with the Jews in the congregation. They could not endure that the Gentiles should enjoy religious privileges on an equality with themselves, but clung tenaciously to the idea that the blessing of God was reserved exclusively for them. This had ever been the great sin of the Jews, which Christ, on several occasions, had rebuked. {LP 48.3}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 4. 48.     Fra side 48 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus’ og Barnabas’ ordination

Da han var færdig, og jøderne havde forladt synagogen, var hedningene stadig tilbage, og bad indtrængende om at de samme ord måtte blive sagt til dem den næste sabbatsdag. Apostlene skabte en stor interesse på stedet, iblandt både jøder og hedninger. De opmuntrede de troende og nyomvendte til at stå fast i deres tro, og fortsætte i Guds nåde. Interessen for at høre apostlenes ord var så stor at hele byen samles den næste sabbatssdag. Men nu, ligesom i Kristi dage, da jødiske præster og øverster så skarerne havde samlet sig for at høre den nye lære, blev de oprørt af misundelse og jalousi, og modsagde apostlenes ord med blasfemi. Deres gamle blinde tro og fordomme blev også vækket, og når de så hvor mange hedningene der var blandet med jøder i forsamlingen. De kunne ikke klare at hedningene nød de samme religiøse privilegier som dem selv, men holdt hårdnakket på at Guds velsignelse var udelukkende forbeholdt for dem. Dette har altid været jødernes store synd, som Kristus ved flere anledninger irettesatte.

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