The Gentiles, on the other hand, rejoiced exceedingly that Christ recognized them as the children of God, and with grateful hearts they listened to the word preached. The apostles now clearly discerned their duty, and the work which God would have them do. They turned without hesitation to the Gentiles, preaching Christ to them, and leaving the Jews to their bigotry, blindness of mind, and hardness of heart. The mind of Paul had been well prepared to make this decision, by the circumstances attending his conversion, his vision in the temple at Jerusalem, his appointment by God to preach to the Gentiles, and the success which had already crowned his efforts among them.{LP 50.1}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 4. 50.     Fra side 50 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus’ og Barnabas’ ordination

På den anden side glædede hedningene sig meget over at Kristus anerkendte dem som Guds børn, og lyttede med taknemmelige hjerter til det forkyndte ord. Apostlene så nu klart deres opgave, og det arbejde som Gud ville have dem til at gøre. De vendte sig uden tøven til hedningene, og forkyndte Kristus for dem, og efterlod jøderne i deres blinde tro, blinde tanker og hjertehårdhed. Paulus var godt forberedt på denne beslutning, ved de omstændigheder der var under hans omvendelse, hans syn i templet i Jerusalem, hans Gudsbestemmelse til at forkynde for hedningene, og den succes som allerede havde kronet hans bestræbelser hos dem.

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