During the life of Christ on earth he had sought to lead the Jews out of their exclusiveness. The conversion of the centurion, and of the Syrophenician woman, were instances of his direct work outside of the acknowledged people of Israel. The time had now come for active and continued work among the Gentiles, of whom whole communities received the gospel gladly, and glorified God for the light of an intelligent faith. The unbelief and malice of the Jews did not turn aside the purpose of God; for a new Israel was grafted into the old olive-tree. The synagogues were closed against the apostles; but private houses were thrown open for their use, and public buildings of the Gentiles were also used in which to preach the word of God.{LP 51.1}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 4. 51.     Fra side 51 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus’ og Barnabas’ ordination

Da Kristus levede på jorden havde han forsøgt at føre jøderne ud af deres afvisende holdning. Høvedsmandens omvendelse, og syrisk-føniske kvinde, var eksempler på hans arbejde direkte uden for det anerkende israelitiske folk. Tidspunktet var nu kommet for et aktivt og vedvarende arbejde iblandt hedningene, hvor hele samfund tog gladelig imod evangeliet, og ære Gud for lyset fra en forstandsmæssig tro. Jødernes vantro og ondsindethed, påvirkede ikke Guds hensigter; for et nyt Israel blev indpodet i det gamle oliventræ. Synagogerne blev lukket for apostlene; men private huse blev åbnet vidt op til deres rådighed, og offentlige bygninger for hedningene blev også brug til at forkynde Guds ord i.

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