Meanwhile the work of the apostles was centered at Jerusalem, where Jews of all tongues and countries came to worship at the temple during the stated festivals. At such times the apostles preached Christ with unflinching courage, though they knew that in so doing their lives were in constant jeopardy. Many converts to the faith were made, and these, dispersing to their homes in different parts of the country, scattered the seeds of truth throughout all nations, and among all classes of society.{LP 41.2}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 4. 41.     Fra side 41 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus’ og Barnabas’ ordination

Imidlertid blev apostlenes arbejde centret omkring Jerusalem, hvor Jøderne af alle tungemål og lande kom for at tilbede i templet under de fastsatte fester. Disse gange forkyndte apostlene Kristus med uforfærdet mod, skønt de vidste at de derved bragte deres liv i fare. Der blev mange nyomvendte i troen, og disse spredte sig til deres hjem i forskellige dele af landet, spredte sandhedens frø udover alle nationer, og iblandt alle samfundsklasser.

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