The apostles, in this their special work, were to be exposed to suspicion, prejudice, and jealousy. As a natural consequence of their departure from the exclusiveness of the Jews, their doctrine and views would be subject to the charge of heresy; and their credentials as ministers of the gospel would be questioned by many zealous, believing Jews. God foresaw all these difficulties which his servants would undergo, and, in his wise providence, caused them to be invested with unquestionable authority from the established church of God, that their work should be above challenge.{LP 43.1}

Skildringer fra Paulus liv kapitel 4. 43.     Fra side 43 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Paulus’ og Barnabas’ ordination

I dette særlige arbejde blev apostlene udsat for foragt, fordomme og jalousi. Som en naturlig konsekvens af at de forlader jødernes afvisende holdning, vil deres lære og synspunkter være genstand kætteri-anklager; og deres legitimation som evangelieforkyndere vil drages i tvivl af mange nidkære og troende jøder. Gud forudså alle disse vanskeligheder som hans tjenere vil undergå, og i hans kloge forsyn, lod han den blive omhyllet af ubestridelig myndighed fra Guds etablerede menighed, så deres arbejde ikke kunne betvivles.

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