Den stora striden kapitel 43. 626.     Från sida 683 i den engelska utgåva.tillbaka

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Sid 50. AVLAT. - Beträffande en detaljerad redogörelse för läran om avlaten se Mandell Creighton, A History of the Papacy From the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1911), band 5, s 56-64, 71; W. H. Kent, "Indulgences", The Catholie Encyclopedia, band 7 s 783-789; H. C. Lea, A History of Auricular Confession and Indulgenees in the Latin Church, (Philadelphia: Lea Brothers and Co., 1896); Thomas M. Lindsay, A History of the Reformation (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1917), band 1, s 216-227: Albert Henry Newman, A Manual of Church History (Philadelphia: The Amencan Baptist Society 1953), band 2, s 53, 54, 62; Leopold Ranke, History of the Reformation in Germany (2:a London-editionen 1845) översatt av Sarah Austin, band 1, s 331, 335-337, 343-346; Preserved Smith, The Age of the Reformation (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1920), s 23-25, 66.

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