Gideon almost despaired of inspiring the people with faith or courage, but he knew that the Lord would work mightily for Israel as he had done in the past. His whole soul cried out after God. He felt that although he might stand alone, yet if he had the assurance that God was with him, he would not fear to strike a blow against the oppressors.

The Signs of the Times 23/06 1881

Gideon blev kaldt.

Gideon opgav næsten at inspirere folket med tro eller håb, men han vidste, at Herren ville virke mægtigt for Israel, som han havde gjort i fortiden. Hele hans sjæl råbte til Gud. Han følte, at selvom han skulle stå alene, så ville han ikke frygte for at slå et slag mod undertrykkerne, hvis han blot havde forvisningen om, at Gud var med ham.

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